Movie description: "Seven Minutes In Hell". SEVEN MINUTES IN HELL
Laura (Jaye Summers) sits alone on a set of stairs and watches quietly as a party carries on. It's late into the night at this point, and what was presumably started as a crowded, high energy event has started to wind down as most of the partygoers have left by now, the basement littered with red cups, beverage bottles, bowls of chips, and a general state of messiness left behind. The 10 or so teens who remain are chilling around the room as party music plays softly in the background, most talking in twos or small groups with Laura being the odd one out. One of the guys bounds down the stairs excitedly holding a red cup filled with liquid in each hand, brushing into Laura as he passes and almost spilling the beverages on her, and she makes an uncomfortable face as he passes her unapologetically. Laura continues to sit in silence for a little while, and it becomes clear that she's not just watching the party, but staring at one guy in particular - Vince (Zac Wild) - as he laughs and jokes along with a pretty girl across the room. She looks on with a bit of envy, clearly wishing she could take the place of the girl he's talking to. Just then, her fixation on him is broken when Janet, the party host and Laura's best friend, gets everybody's attention by flashing her tits. She laughs and says good, now that she's got everybody's attention, it's time to bring some life back into this party - who's up for a game of Seven Minutes In Heaven? Everyone groans and mocks her for such a dumb suggestion. She explains that they're all 18 here so this isn't going to be some lame-ass PG-13 kiss on the lips shit - anything goes as long as both people consent to it. She holds up a fistful of ripped paper scraps and waves them in the air - she's written down everybody's name on the paper - yeah, EVERYBODY she says as a couple of the teens chuckle nervously - and she's going to pull out one guy's name and one girl's name. And they know the rest! Janet quickly divides the scraps of paper into two hats, and then pulls two strips of paper out of the hat. She announces the two names, Felicia and Brad - Felicia being the girl that Vince was talking to earlier - and the two of them look at each other with nervous smiles and shrugs. Janet tells them the clock is ticking as she starts a stopwatch app on her cell phone and then urges Brad and Felicia upstairs and starting the countdown. 'Have fun, you two lovebirds! ' Janet mocks before heading back to the others who have settled back into party mode. Janet looks around the room and sees Laura sitting by herself, and comes and sits next to her on the stairs. How is she liking the party so far? It's fine, Laura replies. Liar, Janet says. She knows Laura's been moping around staring at Vince all night and hasn't said a word to him. Laura blushes, is it that obvious? Janet says absolutely, she's just lucky that everyone their age is so self-centered that nobody has noticed. Laura ducks her head in her arms and moans, why can't she just talk to him? Janet tells Laura that it's easy, she just has to get up and say hi to him. Men like women that are forward. After a minute or two of them talking, Felicia bursts out of the connected room. 'Boooo! ' Janet says holding up her phone and pointing at it, they still had almost 5 minutes left! Felicia says nonchalantly that Brad was too hairy, it was disgusting, and she returns to the party without looking back. Brad comes back out the room too with an embarrassed shrug and tries to play it off as fine, some girls like a guy with a hairy chest. Felicia jokes that she wasn't talking about his chest, and the rest of the partygoers ooh and laugh at Brad. Janet gets back up and pulls out the next two pieces of paper. She opens the first one up, and we see it says 'Vince'. She calls out his name and he raises his fists triumphantly, and a couple of his buddies wolf-whistle him in encouragement. Janet opens up the next slip of paper, and we can see the name 'Janet' written on it, but she closes it quickly without anybody else seeing it. 'Laura! ' she calls out. Laura looks up, flustered, and says she didn't think she was playing. Janet says of course, she told them that EVERYONE was playing. Laura tries to excuse herself, saying she's fine sitting out, maybe Felicia would want to take her place since she didn't use her full time... But as she's saying this, Vince looks at Laura with a charming smile and tells her he likes the pairing as it is.L Aura stutters, and Vince says reassuringly not to worry, he won't bite.C 'mon!L Aura is wide-eyed and almost speechless, but she nods okay and gets up to follow him into the room.J Anet closes the door with a mischievous grin and starts the timer.
Vince turns to Laura and asks so, where should they start?L Aura blushes and says he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, they can just talk... Or even not talk, if he'd rather.V Ince asks her why on earth he wouldn't want to do something with her?S He's one of the cutest girls in school.L Aura looks surprised to hear it, and says that she didn't think he even knew who she was.H E's hardly ever talked to her.V Ince explains that he didn't want to screw up his chances or give her a bad impression by coming on too strong, she seemed like the type who didn't like rowdy guys, and likes to keep to herself.H E was waiting for her to make the first move.L Aura blushes and says oh, she had no idea.V Ince grins and says he guesses fate must have put them together tonight.L Aura tells him she doesn't mind if he comes on her... Comes on to her!s He corrects herself with embarrassment.V Ince smirks and says he could even do both.L Aura gasps and giggles nervously.V Ince asks if she does really want to JUST talk.L Aura shakes her head no, she wants more than that.G Ood, Vince replies, he does too.
They're still in there!K Yle laughs as he, Janet and perhaps one or two other partygoers huddle around quietly after several minutes of not having heard from the two upstairs.J Anet smirks and says she knows, it's already been like ten minutes, things must be going well.K Yle mentions that there's only one way to find out.J Anet gets serious, no, hey, Kyle, don't even think about it.K Yle has already started to walk away and says don't worry, he's not going to interrupt them, he's just going to stick his head in for a quick peek.A Fter all, what if he's hurting her or something?J Anet tells him that's not funny and Kyle says he's serious, wouldn't Janet rather be safe than sorry?J Anet reluctantly admits he has a point.T Hank you!K Yle says arrogantly, and creeps upstairs to the door of the bedroom.H E opens it quietly and edges his way through the door and into the room.
He sees that Vince and Laura are mid-fucking and stifles a laugh.O H shit!h E says to himself.H E watches them fuck for a good solid minute, intrigued and bemused, as Laura is being very vocal, telling Vince don't stop, keep going.F Inally, Kyle sneaks back out.' They're totally fucking!' He says in a loud excited whisper, not just to Janet but to the whole room.J Anet looks pissed at Kyle for telling everyone, but several others in the room start to gather towards him to gossip.I S he serious?V Ince, with HER?I Sn't she a virgin though?a Nd so on.K Yle relishes at being the one to tell them what he saw, how she was practically begging him for his dick.J Anet looks increasingly upset, and tries to get them to respect Laura's privacy, but others in the group insist that they want to see too, they won't believe it until they see it.S Lowly, people start to gather towards the bedroom, as shy Laura unsuspectingly continues to enjoy her seven minutes in heaven with her crush, unaware of the hell that's about to unleash.