Photos description: "Sand And Sweat: Part 2". But it's not all fun and games when Alexis' private time is suddenly interrupted by Michael Stefano. What at first seems like a dire situation slowly turns into a different kind of tension... Caught red handed playing with Olive, Alexis is stuck nude in the middle of her barracks, out of PT gear!H Owever, Alexis isn't one to be ashamed of her naked body.S He's proud of it.S He wants Michael to stare, to watch, to ogle.T Ake in every curve until he can't help but reach out.A Nd when he does, Michael pours oil over Alexis' round cheeks, massaging it all over before teasing her ass with his finger.A Lexis moans in excitement, satisfied that her plan is working and she'll only be doing her preferred physical drills for the day...

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